Saturday, 20 June 2009

I've been a VERY naughty blogger! =/

Well I've not posted on here for SO long - I actually completely forgot about it until just! HA. So I take it that i've lost what very little reading audience I actually had now! Oh well!

What do I have to tell you? Well, quite alot, but most of it I can't remember - I've been on holiday, or Alcudia, which is in Majorca, which is in Spain...... and it was surprisingly good, apart from the fact we went self catering and EVERYTHING there costs at least £2 more than you'd pay here, so we pretty much starved all week, apart from beans on toast.

In other news, I've turned my regular laptop into a Mac, oh yes. I wondered if it could be done, and it turns out that indeed it can! woohoo! It's awesome - it runs so much better than shitty Vista!

I also met all the Chris Moyles Show team the other night, which was pretty cool. I got us on the guest list for Rockaoke with the Chris Moyles show ... and.. yeah..

I've just realised that I'm really not in a typing mood and none of this is really reading that well, so, I'll leave it - and come back and do it again ... hopefully a little sooner than 2 months! Pah.

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