Thursday 9 October 2008

Curry wasn't good...

REALLY.. wasn't good!

Yeah, I made the curry - not good at all. The flavours and what not were pretty good, but it contained potato, and after cooking it for about 10-15 mins longer than the recipe said, they were still RAW, like, seriously raw. I ferked them all out, and popped them in the microwave for about 10 mins - then they just came out dry, and still raw. But still, I put them back into the curry, and attepted to eat it, then regreatting putting them back in.

I did, HOWEVER, make GREAT rice. I've always found it pretty impossible to make good brown rice, no idea why, it's either always raw, soggy or it goes into a mush... but i've mastered it. WOOOHOO!

I've also this second descovered a love for 'sweetend with apple juice' soymilk. I got some before and thought it was pretty disgusting, and then accidentally picked some up again from Asda tonight but I've just had a glass and it wasn't half bad!

I must say though, how impressed I am with me for sticking it for this long... and the funny thing is is that I actually havn't had ANY cravings at all - apart from when there was McDonalds Chicken Nougats wafting under my nose, but a quick reminder of what it actually is and it soon went away.

I used to ADORE cheese, but the other night my friend made "pizza toast" (basically cheese on toast but with tomato puree) and the smell of the cheese actually made me feel so sick, I was very impressed.

The only downside is I'm not losing as much weight as I'd like, although I suppose it's down to the amount of carbs I'm having, which is alot. I'm going to attempt to cut down a bit, but considering my new favorite snack is Marmite on toast it's very tricky! Hmmm!

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