Tuesday, 17 March 2009

A change or two...

Okay well I thought it was time that we had a bit of a spring clean, since it nearly 'is' spring after-all and I've now been vegan for a goood few months, it's getting pretty dull being limited to only writing about 'becoming vegan', clearly didn't think that through when I started the blog! ha.

So I guess i'm going to use it as a general personal blog as well as vegan things, well, to be frank it's probably going to consist of mostly vegan things anyway, but it just gives the extra room to talk about crap and no one care, which is all good! Well, it is for me anyway!

I've charged the design a little bit, I will, in time design one of my own that fits 'me', but I'm currently stuck with a Windows laptop, and Windows being Windows it's unable to run photoshop, so I'll have to wait until I get a few hours with a mac! YaY!

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